New Features & Enhancements:
- Starting on 7/22/2024 – Southeastern Freight Lines (SEFL) will only support dynamic pricing. Please be sure to update the Rating Type to “Dimension-Based Dynamic Pricing” for this carrier’s setup under Integrations > Carrier Integrations as well as any CSP setups.
- Updated new webhook for Trucker Tools to pull delivery updates into the system.
- Carrier logo added for Expedite All (SCAC code is EAIS) to display in the rating engine.
- Milestone Update API – updated to pull all tracking notes from shipment with details.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected issue with Report Builder – AR Payment Status field displaying incorrect status in generated report.
- Direct tracking link updated for Sutton Transport.
- Corrected an issue with the Density Calculator not properly calculating General Cargo and class 175.
- Resolved issue where the city and state info was not displaying when editing the zip code on a stop.
- Fixed issue with In Transit tile and “Deliver Date Passed” not accurately being displayed.
- Fixed issue with Macropoint error sending multiple requests to Macropoint’s system.