- Fixed issue pulling in a new carrier through RMIS Onboarding – issue with empty documents
- Added accessorials for Freight Bazaar use: Detention, Reconsignment, Corrected Bill of Lading
- Updated insurance integrations to not require freight charges be added in order to also add Insurance charges
- Fixed issue with creating loads with multiple stops (Shipment Profile failing to load issue)
- Fixed issue with using the Ready to Invoice flag requiring POD/BOL when those requirements are not set
- Fixed error posting to the Truckstop Loadboard: updated the Destination – LateDateTime field to Estimated Delivery End value instead of Estimated Delivery Date
- Fixed issue not being able to remove the AR/AP Sales Codes from the Staff Office Locations page
- Parade integration update – fixed to send correct appointment times for multi stop loads
- Ryder Integration update – push Delivery updates when load is manually updated to Delivered in the TMS
- Other miscellaneous fixes
3PL Systems Team