EDI 204
Motor Carrier Load Tender
The Motor Carrier Load Tender is an electronic data interchange document used to tender shipment information into the TMS. It will automatically create a shipment based on the information provided and respond with an EDI 990.
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EDI 990
Response to Load Tender
The EDI 990 acts as the response to the inbound load tender. Once we receive the EDI 204, the receiver will have a chance to accept or decline the inbound load tender. If accepted, it will send a response back showing ‘Accepted.’ If declined it will send a response back showing ‘Declined’
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EDI 214
Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Updates
The EDI 214 is passed from 3PL Systems to the receiver to provide live shipment status updates based on the shipment profile. The initial shipment status will trigger at pickup, and the last shipment status update will be sent when the shipment is delivered. As soon as an update takes place on the shipment profile an EDI 214 is processed to the receiver in live time.
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EDI 210
Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice
The EDI 210 is the invoice portion of the shipment profile. Once an invoice has been created on the shipment profile, an EDI 210 will be generated and sent out to the receiver. Although it is not necessary, you can pass back an EDI 997 in return for receiving the EDI 210.
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EDI 997
Functional Acknowledgement (outbound)
The 997 acknowledges receipt of any EDI transaction set received and confirms whether or not it was successfully processed within our TMS.
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