Release Notes
- New Developments
- Added clear descriptions to all guaranteed rates to inform the user of when they are guaranteed by.
- Added a new Active/Disabled filter to the customer contact list.
- Added a new feature to test whether or not a carrier SCAC exists within the system when adding a new carrier.
- Bug Fixes/Changes
- Added pagination to region pages to prevent an overwhelming amoount of data from showing on one screen.
- The global search bar will now begin searching for data after three characters rather than four.
- Resolved an issue preventing the user from being able to delete \”Bill To\” information in the event it was in use.
- Misc. navigation changes to make the user experience more pleasurable.
- Made a change to the shipment profile and shipment documents to show pallet count and piece count properly based on the inputted values.
Do you want to see a new feature or enhancement to the system? Please reach out to us at!