- Added EDI 824 functionality
- Fixed issue with Ward API Rating
- Fixed issue with Dayton API Rating
- Fixed issue with Ward E-Dispatch – Internal Server Error
- TriumphPay Payments-Carriers – show error message if Enable/Disable fails
- Fixed issue with Quad Express/HAUListic E-Dispatch
- Added Target Rate to batch LoadBoard postings (Booked Not Covered)
- Added Remove option to batch LoadBoard option (Booked Not Covered)
- Added UN/NA Dropdown to Hazmat Window
- Updated New Penn Rating to rate Protect from Freezing accessorial
- Fixed issue with New Penn not rating all commodities
- Fixed issue with P44 update showing as an error but it was successful
- Added Liftgate Delivery/Pickup mapping for Pitt Ohio
- Fixed issue not having Canceled without Charges as an option
- Added city and state to Bill To Information on Carrier Profile
- Fixed issue not being able to select Pallet size or Selectable in Edit Commodity
- Added 2 Days Pallet Quote rating when load is marked Palletized
- Other miscellaneous fixes