- Added ability to add Puerto Rico locations in Regions
- Added Contracted Rate column in Report Builder
- Fixed rating issue for Magnum
- Updated EDI Express rating to show an error if the load exceeds dimensions that can not be rated through their API
- Fixed to send Quote Created Email Notification when the load is created through 3PL API
- Fixed Polaris rating accessorials
- Fixed issue with Southeastern rating loads over 5000 lbs or over 10 feet in length
- Fixed issue with Active Start Date not saving on Tariff Service Lanes
- Fixed issue with Commission Bill Numbers duplicating
- Added event to send an update to Triumph Pay Audit when the load is updated from the Rate Engine
- Changed Forward Air’s SCAC from FWRD to FWRA
- Fixed carrier cost issue for Ward
- Added Effective Date to Tariff Service Lane Table
- Updated RIST rating to show “Carrier does not service this lane” when they return an empty response
- Fixed issue with tax breakdown on Dispatch and Rate Con documents
- Fixed a problem with the rate engine calculating commission for negative margin
- Added Appointment Pickup, Call Before Pickup, and Appointment Delivery mapping for Dohrn rating
- Fixed issue with expired tariffs still rating in Rate Engine
- Added Rate Confirmation and Carrier Tender document types for uploaded documents
- Added Protect from Freezing mapping for TForce
- Added ‘TIME CRITICAL’ to Guaranteed detail for ABF, to be shown on the BOL
- Added LCR Timeout on the Customer level (in Customer Preferences)
- Made a change to not recalculate mileage when you update commodities on a load
- Updated EDI Express Limited Access Delivery and Limited Access Pickup accessorial mapping
- Added fix so users without permission to edit costs after invoicing can’t update charges through Rate Engine
- Other miscellaneous fixes
Brokerware Updates November 10th 2022