- Fixed modal closing when hovering outside of form in EDI Setup List
- Fixed removing Hold status for a Customer
- Mass Rater fixes for files getting stuck or erroring
- Updated to show Sonar integration error in the event there is one
- Added Logging for 3PL API endpoints
- Added Logging for Triumph Pay Audit
- Fixed showing Carrier is Insured on Shipment Profile
- Optimization updates for EDI 214 Matching page
- Fixed Priority 1 E-Dispatch if no Pickup Number returned but has Pro Number
- Added Power BI Embedded Reports
- Fixed Override Remit Payment setting for Invoices and Custom Text
- Fixed showing Bill To on Rate Con document
- Added Staff Permission when creating a new carrier to hide the “Ignore and Add Carrier” warning of a duplicate carrier
- Fixed error with UPS/TForce E-Dispatch
- Fixed All Carrier filter on AP Invoicing report
- P44 update sent when updating Trailer Number, Added P44 Delete when canceling a shipment
- Other miscellaneous fixes
Brokerware Updates September 29th 2022