- Fixed issue in Report Builder pulling AP Type
- Updates to the Parcel integration
- Fixed issue with Statement export paid dates differing from what shows in the TMS
- Fixed issue with Pallet Count reverting to 0 when Commodity piece count is updated
- Fixed issue with blank email being sent when
marking a load Picked up
- Fixed issue sending an email out when marking a load Picked up and no documents are selected
- Fixed issue with AR Invoicing filters not working correctly
- Fixed Delivered Tracking page ‘Not Invoiced’ filter not filtering correctly
- Optimization updates to the customer shipment tracking page
- RateCon document adjustments
- Fixed In Transit Tracking page’s filters not working correctly
- Updated Forward Air’s API Integration fields to match their field names
- Creating a dispute in a shipment profile will no longer take you to the Dispute Log
- Fixed issue with creating invoices
- Fixed formatting of Zebra label
- Fixed issue with updating Delivery Arrival on loads with multiple stops
- Fixed issue with RNLO E-Dispatch not sending correct piece count
- Added permission level under Customer Sales to change the Client on a Load
- Optimization updates to Mass Rater
Brokerware Updates June 24th, 2022