- Updated FourKites integration for more options for reference number mapping
- Priority One E-Dispatch updates
- Map to pass TMS load number in E-Dispatch request
- Changed back to use Priority One quote ID in Quote Number field and use Carrier Quote Number in Carrier API Reference field
- Added ability to Reverse an Invoice
- Fixed capturing error message when invoice fails to send via EDI
- Fixed issue with updating taxes on shipments
- Fixed issue with YRC rating and passing NMFC numbers
- Increased the bar code size for Zebra labels
- Fixed Hercules rating issue
- Carrier Portal – made Load# column filterable, added BOL# column to Active shipments table
- Project 44 integration updates – send DOT number for carrier if it exists, send Tractor Number in EquipmentIdentifier if it exists
- Fixed issue with Customer Admin users able to edit Billed amounts
- Fixed issue with Dohrn e-dispatch
- Added Parade.Ai integration
- Fix Custom Reference date type field to show date/time converted to client’s time zone on documents
- Other miscellaneous fixes
Brokerware Updates July 1st, 2022