Our LCR is the most powerful rating engine in the industry, allowing you to optimize the least expensive and most reliable carrier for your loads without having to check carrier websites, or manually check rate matrices to source quotes. In the event that the freight broker is obtaining rates from multiple sources, our LCR provides a centralized location to compare and contrast all pricing contracts. We combine all of your contracted rates into one location, aggregating the information and displaying it in a fashion from least cost to highest cost, streamlining your quoting process and increasing your efficiency. The LCR can be configured to pull rates from the following sources:
LTL Carrier APIs
Many LTL carriers provide APIs that allow for their systems to be integrated directly into BrokerWare. We currently have over 90 carriers’ rating APIs configured into our system and that number is growing constantly. Through the use of APIs, instead of the broker having to login to each carrier website separately to source rates, we are able to pull your rates from multiple carrier websites at once, saving your team an immeasurable amount of time. Unlike other TMS providers, we only charge a small setup fee for configuring each API – we will not charge the broker every time a rating API is used, nor will we increase your monthly cost.
Freight Pal
Freight Pal offers Parcel and Air Freight rates instantly directly through our LCR.
SMC³ Integrations
BrokerWare is integrated with RateWare® XL, CarrierConnect® XL, and Volume APIs.
Custom Tariffs
In the event that a carrier has provided you with a rate matrix, our team can build a custom tariff within BrokerWare for the LCR to rate shipments off of. We can even train your staff to build out custom tariffs themselves. Once a custom tariff is configured, your team will no longer have to manually consult a spreadsheet in order to rate a shipment.
Co-Brokering Integrations
We offer integrations with many of the largest players in the industry including ECHO Logistics, Worldwide Express, Donnelly Logistics Services, Unishippers, GlobalTranz, and Bluegrace. If you are currently set up with pricing through one of these providers, we are able to integrate your rates from them directly into the LCR. If you need help getting set up with pricing, feel free to contact us.